Tuesday, June 27

Superman Movie Preview Event

Originally uploaded by djkeishi.
The invite says "Imagine being one of the first in the world to catch Superman Returns".

Well, caught the 2.5 hours movie earlier just now at GV Marina, and personally, I wasn't that impressed. It didn't deviate too much from I expected and the CGI/ visuals weren't THAT great also.

However, Jason loved it and claims he would even watch it a 2nd time. If I had not fallen asleep for the 1st 1 hour, perhaps I would have shared his sentiments.

Got celebrity somemore - Jeanette Awe, Joanne Peh, Constance something, Xian Yun, Edmund Chen, Pan LingLing, Patricia Mok and the Singapore Idol Finalists (the ones that have got in so far) - bet it will end up in the 8Days pages. Wah glam glam, if only I wasn't keeping myself busy with the complimentary glasses of Moet and stuffing myself with the finger food (come on! it was dinner time!), I would have bothered to do some socializing??

1 comment:

Lounge Lizard said...

I'd concentrate on the Moet and food too!!!