Thursday, November 22

Be the 22nd Millionth to watch this ...

Dumb songs personified ...

The Crank takes over the Macarena! Well, if you want to learn ...

Saturday, November 17

Top 50 Thinkers

Chanced upon this ... interesting ...

1. C. K. Prahalad Indian management guru
2. Bill Gates Geek-turned-philanthropist
3. Alan Greenspan Ex-Federal Reserve chairman
4. Michael Porter Competitive strategy author
5. Gary Hamel Business strategist
6. W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne INSEAD professors and authors of Blue Ocean Strategy
7. Tom Peters In Search of Excellence author
8. Jack Welch Former GE CEO-turned-columnist
9. Richard Branson Iconic British entrepreneur
10. Jim Collins Good to Great author

11. Philip Kotler Kellogg’s marketing guru
12. Robert Kaplan & David Norton The creators of the balanced scorecard
13. Kjell Nordstrom & Jonas Ridderstralle Funky Business duo from Sweden
14. Charles Handy The original portfolio worker
15. Stephen Covey The man with seven successful and highly effective habits
16. Henry Mintzberg Controverisal Canadian management expert
17. Thomas Stewart Editor of Harvard Business Review
18. Malcolm Gladwell Author of The Tipping Point and Blink
19. Lynda Gratton London Business School professor and author of Hot Spots
20. Donald Trump US Apprentice host

21. Scott Adams Creator of Dilbert
22. Ram Charan Co-author of Execution
23. Vijay Govindarajan A Tuck professor and GE’s new chief innovation consultant
24. Warren Bennis Veteran on leadership
25. Clayton Christensen Innovation expert
26. Thomas Friedman Author of The World is Flat
27. Kenichi Ohmae Globalisation guru
28. Rosabeth Moss Kanter Renowned Harvard academic and author
29. Steve Jobs Apple’s iconic business leader
30. John Kotter Leadership and change guru

31. Jeff Immelt Jack Welch’s successor at GE
32. Rob Goffee & Gareth Jones Authentic leaders at London Business School
33. Adrian Slywotsky Heavyweight modern strategist
34. Marshall Goldsmith Coach to the top executives
35. Bill George Another fan of authentic leadership
36. Larry Bossidy Co-author of Execution with Charan (22)
37. Daniel Goleman The father of social and emotional intelligence
38. Marcus Buckingham Top self-help guru
39. Howard Gardner Harvard’s creator of the multiple intelligence concept

40. Edward de Bono Supreme lateral thinker
41. Al Gore Climate change campaigner
42. David Ulrich Human resources expert
43. Seth Godin An insightful marketer
44. Costas Markides Charismatic strategist
45. Rakesh Khurana Harvard thinker
46. Richard D’Aveni Hyper-competition expert
47. Peter Senge Learning organisation guru
48. Chris Argyris The originator of the learning organisation concept
49. Jeffrey Pfeffer Stanford intellectual
50. Chris Zook Bain consultant-turned-author

Sunday, November 11

Off to the Second City of UK

No, that's not my office - it's the Birmingham Selfridges Building.

Have been working slightly more than a week, and so far, work's here been good! I get to go of punctually at 5.30 - 6 pm - a far cry from my past work ... ! I guess the load isn't as great as well and there's more time to plan out stuff.

Oh anyway, I am working now at a communications company (or so they call it) called Deliverers ( as a Marketing Manager for a suite of online products/ website they're going to launch in early 2008, so I'm kinda putting the plan together for them, doing the branding, getting the PR agency etc.

We're based in west London, on the edge of Chelsea + Kensington borough, 30 mins from the place I live. It's actually much quicker if not for the fact that the train system is really dodgy (they go on strikes when they feel like it, and the poster actually says ' We're going on strike, and you should try NOT to find alternative routes!). Hahaha

Will be off to Birmingham for work this Tues - Thurs at the NEC (I thought it was the brand from Japan... but it actually stands for National Exhibition Centre). Apparantly, it's commonly known as the 2nd City of UK as there're a lot of businesses founded and based there.

This weekend, if all goes well, I shd be headed on a mini road trip with Clement across the channels to Normandy (the place where US invaded Europe to attack germany during the World War). Well, the idea was to test his car to see if it's able to take the load for future road trips!

Thursday, November 1

New Chapter ...

I just got back from a 16 - 20 km Halloween skate (it was so long i didnt know the exact distance) ... and both my legs have shiny new blisters now. Hahah I didn't know London's roads were so ROUGH (they're tarmac but a lot of bits in them .. terrible for skaters). After today, I feel like giving up skating already. Hahha ... I think my body cannot take such abuse anymore.

Overall, the 2 hr skate was interesting because the whole bunch of skaters (prob about 150 or so dressed up in gholish and demons outfits) took over the streets of London, passing by Oxford Circus, Regent St, Trafalgar Sq, Big Ben, London Eye and then ended up back at the Victoria pub near Hyde Park. Half way thru, my legs were already giving up ...

Anyway, many many people on the pavements found the whole bunch of us rather amusing, and started whipping out their mobile phones & cameras taking pictures, videos .. like we were superstars or running a marathon ... funnyyy.

Looks like my career break is over too. Will be starting work tomorrow! Now that I have a job, I wish I am on holiday again. Can never satisfy myself man!!

Have a good week!