Batam was ALMOST fun. It was good to get out of the office environment for a few days.
I personally didn't think we achived much during the workshop other than eat and eat and eat. Even managed to squeeze in a few table tennis & pool sessions.
Oh, BTW, the place was Holiday Inn Batam, not Hilton as previously described. It was only 2 mins away from the ferry terminal, and I would not mind going back for the swimming pool. It's a not too bad get away.
Worst thing was on Friday night, my new K600i decided to go kaput, and now it can be turned on. I took a couple of pictures before that, and now that it can't be switched on, I can't upload any pictures to show and tell.
So for today (and since Friday night), I will remain uncontactable till I get my new set in the office tomorrow. Meanwhile, hopefully the guys at Sony Ericsson will be able to fix my HK bought set.
Otherwise, I have to send my set to Hong Kong or go back again for a holiday next month. =O