Finally managed to locate the new pictures from DJ Kai after 2 months: going to post them up for viewing pleasure.
I was booked to stay in Guangzhou Hotel - with a name like that, I was pretty excited to check it since it sounded quite grand to be associated with the city's name leh. But the rooms were kinda disappointing. Alas, the TV menu has also some real good Ching-lish going on too - providing Kai, Raji & me about ten mins of laughter. We were flipping through the hotel menus as well , trying to spot English mistakes.
"The Best, the hot movie is insides"
"Five star means the movie is given the topest attvaitive points"
What in the world is "attvaitive"??
"Complex of fear (say chinese)"
I think they really mean to say the movie is dubbed in Mandarin. Hilarious!
We were already right smack in the city, so we took a walk downstairs. I grew up watching TV programs that China had lots of bikes, so I die die had to take this picture - typical China, right??
But respects to the Chinese people in China, they're all very hardworking and always seem to be striving for the best. There were hundreds of these 'labourers'/ workers riding their goods all over the bridges and roads.
Night fell, it was time for Raji & Kai's gig at top club FEELNET. In Guangzhou, there are 2 main clubs who regularly host international DJs - Feelnet & Babyface. Babyface is kinda like the most successful chain of clubs in the WHOLE of China. They have about 8 branches in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and god knows where.
But Feelnet is massive. It's 3 storeys high, decked out in the latest light gadgetry (everyone say they copy Class Club in Shenzhen).
BTW, the Chinese people love to drink Chivas Green Tea at the clubs - it's the IN drink to be seen with now.
There's Raji in action behing the decks - delighting the chicks! Check out the LED lights behind him, it's 100% interactive, light changes colour in a different pattern. Nothing like that elsewhere in Asia!
She's actually one of the dancers for the night. No sleazy kinda dancing, but very sleek. Really dunno where they learn their moves from; and employing dancers in the norm in Chinese clubs.
Anyway, I've got more pictures but I've got to shrink them first. Flickr imposing a limit for uploading pictures la. That's why this is only Part 1 and you have to wait for Part 2.